Wednesday, April 19, 2006


  • Rosy - Thank you for your concern, and I'm not taking it lightly but - was she recovering though? Cuz I am... gradually... I am not better yet but I am definetly better than I was a couple days ago and I'm not throwing up anymore. I just made and ate french toast in fact - which kind of wore me out and now I'm going back to bed, but that's DEFINETLY an improvement. I would be worried if I wasn't improving but as it is it seems like a pretty classic case of the flu. (I really need to get flu shots next year, I have no idea why I never do! I am stupid.)
  • Court - I know! I'm so sorry I missed your call on easter! I was watching a movie and my phone was charging in the other room - but I did have larangitis pretty bad at the time so talking wasn't something I would have been very good at doing anyway - hope to hear from you soon though!
  • Josh - I'm sorry, I tried... I must be a defiant little rascal though becuase just after you wrote that first command I actually got a whole lot worse, dang that rebeliant side of me!
  • Ally - I think... I hope... I'm going to be well enough to drive back up today, the fever is gone at least, we'll see though, I'm going to sleep some more for now and then see how I feel.
  • The rest - thanks for the encouragement. On MondayI was too sick to watch any movies but I sure have since then! It's weird becuase I just came off fasting from movies and tv for lent and I'm pretty sure I've made up for all of that time in the last 4 days. I've come to this conclusion: TV is awful. Commercials are awful, shows are awful, it's all awful - blantantly playing toward our sin nature... but it sure does suck you in doesn't it? And it's nice to have something to entertaining you when you're lying around the house alone all day with 0 energy.
Ok that's all. Love you guys.


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