Monday, August 20, 2007


So an intire month has passed and I haven't blogged once. I have failed you all miserably. I am truly sorry, and I humbly repent. (Ooo, is it ok to use liturgy out of context? Oh well, few of you probably recognize it as such anyway).
So much has happened in the last month too!
-Jenny got married! I was a bridesmaid. It was an incredible wedding. I can't believe my dear Jenny's all grown up and married now!
-Michael came to visit for over a week and it was one of the best weeks of my life. It was so fun to show him off to all my loved once and so off all my favorite places to him.
-My sister and Viggo and my adorable nephew Daniel came to visit. Michael got to meet them too, and hold his very first baby, my nephew. (We like to refer to Daniel as our "love child" because a. it's funny and b. he was born the day after we started "going steady" so we like to think that his growth is a reflection of the growth of our love. Which means we're almost crawling and we laugh when tickled!)
-My family went on vacation to Lumi Island of the San Juan Islands in Washington. It was really fun and relaxing and great family time, and A LOT of gathering around the baby smiling really big at him time.
-Michael turned 20. For one month we are only 1 year apart instead of 2! We're loving it. (Actually we never think of it, because it makes no difference in us as a couple, but it's still fun to say).
-I returned to Wheaton, was picked up by three of my good friens and hit the floor running with preparation for being an RA this coming year.
-All of the RAs and other student leaders went on a week long camp at Wheaton's camp, which is called "Honey Rock" in Northern Wisconsin. It was a great time to get to know all my fellow Upper Class Halls RAs and also Michael was there and a few other good friends of ours, so it was great to have a mix of meeting new people and spending time with already dear ones. I remembered that camping is wonderful, but discovered that canoeing for long periods of time is not.
-Now I'm back on campus getting things ready. Students start arriving on Thursday! I am on the smallest floor on campus. I only have 13 women, while several of floors have as many as 50, and nine of my women are transfer students, so I'm really looking forward to that.

It should be a good but busy year.
I would really like to include pictures of all of these various things right now, but I don't have time and my interenet's being slow. I'll try and do a complementary picture list to this word list soon though.
I'm sorry for being so remiss in my blogging duties. Forgive me?


Blogger The Dorrs said...

Glad to see you back in action!


12:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Excellent timing on the new post. I was just about to cut you out of the will. Sounds like you have a very sweet set up at Wheaton with job, dorm situation, boy friend, etc.
It makes me very happy to hear about it!

12:54 PM  

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