Friday, October 21, 2005

A notable event.

Today - are you sure you're ready for this? - I voluntarily ate fastfood! Yes, and I'm not ashamed either. I bought myself a jr-frostie and .99 chicken nuggets and I ate them and I liked it! Wow, what is this world coming to?! The other day I wore jeans and a hoodie and tennis-shoes with white socks - I believe I may have even had my hair in a pony-tail. Something about community college or city life or something is turning me into waaaaay to normal of a person. Scary.


Blogger Court said...

Ohhhh, being a north american school kid. Isn't it great. When I wear heels I feel like I'm going out on a date.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

jeans and a hoodie so nice, but not european at all.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Janice said...

i miss the euro. so bad. what happened to all the boys who can dress themselves decently in the morning? oh yeah they all live thousands of miles away. crap.

5:44 PM  
Blogger Janice said...

okay and we need to have a poetry conversation. for now i will settle for posting poetry comments. i don't know what it is about poetry, some specific poems i like, but not everything by one author, you know? i love josh's poetry. but i find it really difficult for my brain and my eyes to physically read poetry. like my head just doesn't want to comprehend. i love poetry that's read aloud, and read well. so much better that way. and french poetry is always beautiful i think. mainly because of the french. i don't know, i'm just rambling. anyway...

5:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Pamela, you will soon realize that you have begun the weird circle of life that parent and child experience. I have finally pretty much quit eating fast food (and I was about a five time a week junkie). Now you start eating it.
I remember being a radical antiwar democrat back in the 70's. My dad was ultraconservative. By the 90's I was a fundamentalist right wing whacko and my Dad was a huge Bill Clinton and the democrats supporter. Now you are actually flirting with the dark side of politics while I stand as a beacon of righteousness in my support of George Bush, Condileeza Rice, and my favorite curmudgeon, Donald Rumsfeld. May God have mercy on us all :-)

11:24 AM  
Blogger ° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Pamela, you eat whatever food you want and don't be so anti-conformist. I ate a sachet of mayonnaise yesterday to see if it was as nice on its own. It wasn't so good though. I almost threw up.

5:47 AM  

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