Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I've been having some really weird and often lucid dreams lately. Quite possibly due to having recently studied sleep cycles in psycology I tend to be waking up at the end of each REM cycle and therefore remembering each preceding dream. It's amazing how quickly that memory fades though, isn't it? I'm always grasping at them as they fall down into that vast crevas of altered conciousness known as sleep. But a few I remember. The really vivid ones. Often the really strange ones. Here's just a taste of what's been entertaining my sleeping self in the last couple nights.

2 nights ago I dreamed that I was dating Apollo Anton Ohno. Now... in real life I don't have any sort of celebrity crush on him, I think he's cool and all but Ally and I already decided speed skaters are grossly over-muscular and if I WAS going to have a crush on a speed skater it would definetly be Joey Cheek. But that's beside the point. In this dream Apollo and I were pretty much in love. It was difficult to manage what with the press always hounding after him and all but I was so proud of him for getting out there and skating so well and winning those 5 stinking medals! Upon waking and realizing it wasn't real I actually felt a sense of loss. For the next couple days I genuinely missed and thought about my lost-love: Apollo Anton Ohno.

Last night I was not only dating someone but I believe I got engaged AND married to them as well. (Now some of you may say this apparent theme is a latent message trying to alert me of my inner longings for a relationship. But A: I already learned this week that that's all Fruedian mumbo jumbo anyway, and only a so called "psycoanalyst" and determine the difference between latent and manifest dream content - and they're probably all quacks anyway who just want to put you through a bunch of expensive psycoanlysis to make money. and B: I don't really need to be alterted to that fact. Like, duh! I generally try to ignore it, and am in fact QUITE good at ignoring it, thank you very much).
But back to the dream, I haven't gotten to the good part yet. So the guy I was dating or whatever was my friend Rachel's cousin Nathanal - who I haven't seen for several years but I don't think my dream version actually looked anything remotely similar to the real version so that's unimportant. (My dream version was quite cute and had great dimples) We met at a Gregg family function which included many other Gregg family members, I believe this is where out love took root. Then a bunch of stuff that I can't remember happened I think we got married or something, I don't know - BUT THEN I found out that Nathanal was actually Santa Clause and that therefore meant I was now Mrs. Clause - which didn't concern me except that I had NO SHOES to go with my new Mrs. Clause outfit which I would now have to wear all the time. I searched and searched for the right shoes to go with it but alas, there weren't any to be found. I was just about to give up and stick on my running shoes when I thankfully woke up - saving myself from the tramua of witnessing myself wearing a big red dress and running shoes.

Don't you wish you had my dreams? They are VERY entertaining.


Blogger Janice said...

i do wish i had your dreams.

yeah dating or married ones are just mean...once i dreamed i was engaged to ben thomas and was actually really upset and disoriented when i woke up and figured out it wasn't true.

12:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Looks like copius blogging (sounds like a medical condition) must run in the family :-) I enjoyed your post very much.

I will say this, then when you are happily married, you wake up and feel guilty for days after certain relationship dreams that we will not detail here:-) So I guess our dreaming mind is determined to stir us up!


10:09 AM  
Blogger kaylie said...

i always wake up freaked out of my mind when i have a marriage dream. it makes me cringe at the idea of commitment for a few weeks..wait i do that anyways.

wedding dreams are the worst because i always end up being a runaway bride and leaving him at the altar. once i had one where me and julia roberts were going to have a double wedding but we both ranaway at the same time and she was giving me all this advice on what to do next.

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you have dengue fever

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was me, by the way...bethany.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Megs said...

mrs.Clause! you stinker, you're sooo lucky. hahah imagine. and you know something i looked up on what exaclty lucid ment. it was one of those words you knwo you know but dont really know ya know?!

1:18 AM  

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