Monday, February 27, 2006

Meagan and Tone' and the Title

First: yes, I changed my title without giving warning. It's not a big deal. The one and only reason for it is that Bethany wrote me and dad an e-mail about her blog title cuz dad posted about it and she said the main reason she chose it was because it was on a button she got at the tate modern and immediately I thought of MY button from the tate modern which I love dearly and I thought it would be a good blog title as well so there it is.

Second: sorry for not posting. I didn't think about or do much of interest last week. But that is no longer the case!
This weekend, more or less on a whim, I drove 3 and a half hours up to Island Lake Camp, just outside of Seattle, to visit my dear and dearling friend Meagan and her husband Tony. Meagan and I had a great time cooking for Tony, drinking coffee, and talking talking talking.
On Sunday evening we took the Ferry from Bainbridge Island to Seattle (because they live on that side of the Sound) and walked around the city. It was Meagan's first time EVER in the city! I've been there a bunch but I always enjoy it. Everything was closed since it was sunday night but we had fun none-the-less. Seattle is a terrific city, I highly reccomend it. Closes early on Sundays though....
The only sucky part was driving home late at night in the rain... I actually COULD have died last night... but I didn't. Go God.

In other news:
I have this Biology professor who is quite a character and makes some very funny jokes but today I started to realize that he only has a few jokes which he uses over and over again - one of which is to make fun of Biology 101 students (which is the class I am in). At first it was funny... but today he did it straight to my face, it made me mad. He acted all surprized that I figured something out. Like since I'm going to community college that must mean I'm stupid. Oh well... just my pride being injured.
On the good side (a few of you will appreciate this) my entire lab group was absent today so I joined another one which had girls in it who actually knew that 5/10 was .5 and didn't think it was either 2 or 0.2! Quite a relief.

I'm in the library at school and this guy was looking at me and it really startled me because he looked EXACTLY like Josh Schreck. Josh, are you stalking me? Wrong roommate man.
Ok that's all for now. I sadly have no pictures of my terrific weekend... maybe I'll post one of Meagan and Tone' later.


Blogger Unknown said...


So nice to at least have you back on line. It will be even nicer when you visit home again!

Just when I think I have gotten my pride small enough to not be a target anymore, someone hits it dead center. No matter how much I try to hide the things I am prideful about, it seems that they are perfectly obvious to those around me.

Driving to and from Seattle has not been a good thing for my girls.
Please be careful!


aka Dad

7:23 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

um. yes.

7:56 PM  
Blogger Court said...

schrecky you dog you. Glad you had a good weekend pam. Too bad it wasn't with me. :(

9:09 PM  
Blogger Court said...

Pammy, I could use some of the God fearing women you are. I miss you and your comment tonight made me cry a little. You and I both no there is no life for me where I have been but it's just a lie that captures me sometimes.

10:25 PM  

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