Last night I remembered why I spent 14 years dancing ballet. 14 years of pain and sweat and blood (well the blood didn't come until the last 5 years). I remembered why I love to dance. Why I always will. I realized that I will always miss it, and I will always long for it, because dancing is not something that I did, it's a part of who I am - and I'm glad for that. I hope I never completely forget: the exhilerated feeling one always leaves the studio with, no matter how she entered. the thrill of aching muscles after they've given you something beautiful the night before. the energy that can be passed from an exuberant teacher to a willing student. in short, the love of dancing. but I hope I don't always completely remember, that would be more painful than breaking in a new pair of point shoes.
Last night I took a really fantastic ballet class from a really fantastic teacher. Thanks God!
Now that really makes me happy!
Awkward indeed. Derek Webb is the songwriter.
Pam, I like it when you dance. It's pretty.
i've seen you dance...that's all I'm saying
oh yea, a little late, but no, my brother isn't going to letourneau.
...yea pam, THAT kind of dancing. riiiiight.
awe pammy. that is soo rad. it's funny because i've lived vicariously through my sister in that way. she's a true ballerina like you, and i feel like a dancer because of her. i will never fully know what it's like to be on point or to be lifted, or do a quadruple perioette but that's rad pam. i love dance and i love you.
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