Monday, July 24, 2006

I am alive.

Despite our guide´s best efforts to the contrary Bethany and I did make it out of our 2 day trek through the jungle alive and with only a few scrapes and bruises and rashes... a veritable mirical, God is good to us. One lesson we both learned very well: don´t make important decisions like spending two days in the amazon rain forest the day before you leave when you´re tipsy. And if the person talking you into the trip annoys you when he is first pitching it to you DON´T GO as he will annoy you a WHOLE lot more by the end of 2 days. Man, so many stories I could tell from that trip, but I will save it for the pictures to do the talking. That probably won´t be until I´m back in the states though as we are now gone from Guyaquil once again and out at the beach where we have 2 three day long camps in a row this week, one for the 6th graders and one for the park boys. I´m stoked about these camps and if you have any desire to pray for what we´re doing down here I would strongly request prayer for these camps. It´s really significant for these kids to be able to get our of Bastion and there broken families and difficult lives and spend time with each other seeking the Lord. Really significant and I believe the Lord has really good things in store.
That´s all for now. More to come at a later less busy date.


Blogger Megs said...

YAY you're alive! I await with great expectation for the pictures, i love stories. i'm glad that you made it through both the volcanic eruptions and jungle jaunting! I'll be praying for the day camps! love love

2:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Let's see. My daughter got¨"tipsy" and let an incompetent creepy guy talk her into a trip into the jungle on to an erupting volcano where he proceed to try to kill her with his incompetence. How is a father to respond? Guess I will just say that I love you and I am glad everything turned out o.k.

Mom and I are having a glorious vacation. See you on 7/31 when we pick you up at PDX (Lord willing).


11:42 AM  
Blogger Pamela Joy said...

we´re mostly joking about getting talked into it becuase we were tipsy... we were planning to go into the jungle already and he gave us a good sales pictch. And he wasn´t creepy he was annoying, big difference. All the same, yes, it´s over now.

1:43 PM  

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