Monday, March 13, 2006

Pet Peeves.

I always find these interesting when other people do them so I will go ahead and throw a few out there... just to show you what a really shallow and irratable person I really am ;-)
If you are guilty of these you can be assured that yes, I did notice, yes it did bug me, but no... it did not make me devalue you as a person on any level, I recognize my own analness. Promise.

NUMBER 1: Unfinished parenthetical statements! (like when a person starts out with a parentheses and then they never tack on the end one so you just keep waiting and waiting for it to come but it just never does. The sentences just continue like normal. No second one is to follow. Oh my gosh this is so hard for me to do right now.

Number 2: When people use the wrong directional words. Like my friend in Washington who always says going going UP to Oregon. Down! You're doing DOWN! Or my friend in Corvallis who always says she's going DOWN to portland! Holy crap people, it's really not that hard!

Number 3: Ok, this one doesn't apply to you all, so don't worry. But it's a big one lately. When people who meet me for the first time call me Pam directly after I have just introduced myself as PamELA. Or when teachers read my name off of role for the first time or nurses at the doctor's office and I know full well it's written there as Pamela but they call out "Pam?" Like freakin, I don't mind being called Pam by my friends when they are just shortening it for convience' sake but seriously, that's not my name! Why do they all assume it is! It's so rude! So persumptuous! Like do they think I'm LIEING to them when I say my name is Pamela? "Oh... she's just being polite and saying her whole name... it's ok, I'll go ahead and help her out and call her by the short version..." Like I call Courtnay "Court" all the time, it's just easier to say, but wouldn't you think it was kind of weird if you were sitting in a waiting room and the nurse walked up and was all "um... Court?"
But really, I don't mind it when friends call me that, no worries. Just strangers. Bah.

Ok that's enough um "complaining" (there's another word I could use there but I won't because my pastor reads my blog sometimes) for now. I find these pet peeves more amusing than anything. It entertains me that I get so irritated about such meaningless unimportant things. Silly Pam.


Blogger Janice said...

aHA you have joined the ranks of people who make lists of things that make them angry. welcome to the club. we're a bitter and annoyed bunch but we're also pretty funny. all three of yours are good ones! those make me mad too. people who call me jan....erg. it makes me sound like some 50 year old dental hygienist. ew. yeah....yours are good ones.

12:30 AM  
Blogger Janice said...

oh also to answer your question that i just saw on my's not so much going into direction or production because direction is production, but i think i'm headed towards the art department. yeah, you do have to find a lot of stuff, but it's fun. we get to make a lot of stuff as well and paint things and make fake's pretty rad. and i get to destroy a cash register this time. that's always fun. one day i'd like to direct but not til i'm over 50 and have a slightly better idea about life. plus, directing is frikin hard and i don't know if i'm up to the challenge yet.

12:36 AM  
Blogger ° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Wet Hands.
If any of you have wet hands and try to touch me, then I freak. Also, freakin' wet hands that are long enough to stretch across the Atlantic. Those too.

3:11 AM  
Blogger emelina said...

number two bugs me SO MUCH! it's like people have never looked at a map.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Béthany said...

isn't it all relative to thinking about north as "up" and south as "down"...and isn't that cultural?

5:17 PM  

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