Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fotografias de mis amigas!

These are 3 of my nearest and dearest. Kirsten, Charis, and Karis (in that order). This was at Kirsten's 20th birthday party. Karis is my roommate, and Kirsten lives down the hall. This is taken at Charis's house during Kirsten's 20th birthday party.

And this is at Andrea's 20th birthday party, she's the one in black in the middle. These are a whole lot of girls from my building. Yeah Big Willie! (We try to make our building sound cool by changing the name like that... it doesn't work... we're still "the nunnery).

You know you're a college student when... You wear your school parephenalia and cheer really loud at the homecoming football game. Which was awesome by the way. Came back from 13-0 at the half to win it 31-19. That's right. Go Thunder! These are a couple other good friends, Kristen and Stephanie, and behind them are Danny and Isaiah - a couple very quality guys who I have the pleasure of knowing.


Blogger Unknown said...


Yeah! I love pictures. I am not as jealous about your time at Wheaton as I was about Capernwray, but I still have spells where I dream about how cool it would be to have learning as my main occupation every day!


3:01 PM  
Blogger Béthany said...

weird how your three friends names are clones of each other. i'd get them all mixed up all the time...ALL THE TIME!

I went to an Emelec game yesterday, with Chamo, Dad, Jono, Dale and Burke. 2-2, we are 2 points behind the leader! So exciting. This is our year! (i thought i'd fill you in because you care so much)

4:40 PM  

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